What makes the Fossil Football League unique?

The Fossil Football League started 10 years ago. Four teams came together to create a league that catered to the 40 plus player that loved the beautiful game, but also had a busy life.

We wanted a league that offered convenience and camaraderie without sacrificing the quality of the game. So, what is so unique about the Fossil Football League?

1. We cater to women over 40 years of age.

2. We have great field times, so no late nights when you must get up early the next day. 

3. We play on the same days and times each week so you can plan your busy life knowing when soccer will be week to week, month to month and year to year.

4. We have a great group; players are friendly and social is a big part of it. 

5. All games are ref'd and we adhere to the FIFA rules and regulations.

6. We love to hear from our members with ideas, and suggestions.

We have options for teams or individual players and are happy to talk to you about your options. Please reach out to us. 

The Fossil Football League

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